Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Fashion Envy & Summer Dreaming.

So tomorrow brings February and I certainly have the winter blues! I'm in need of some sunshine, cocktails and a break away from the bore of Aberdeen - although I have only been back at uni a total of 2 days. My resolution of taking this semester seriously and not leaving everything to the last minute is slowly going down the drain! I do have some motivation though - LONDON FASHION WEEK! So hard trying to save, because I know I will want to buy everything in sight when I get there so I have some major fashion crushes right now but I'm trying my hardest not to spend money on clothes. But, I am going to a pop-up vintage store in Aberdeen tomorrow night so I suppose thats allowed right?? ...

Hurry up summer '12!

Major envy at this girl GORGEOUS.

LOVE this look above - hot pants and plennttyy of cute jewels.


1 comment:

  1. love all of these pictures! they are awsome. Love form a new follower :)

    check out my blog - http://stylecrescent.blogspot.com/

