Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Bringing Some Style to Girvan

I had a flying visit back to Girvan (a shitty town down the south west coast, if and of you haven't heard of it!) a few weekends ago and brought back some style to the miserable little town! All my family were down and we went out for a meal then back to my house for a booze up - what us lot do best - for my auntie and uncles wedding anniversary. Treated myself to a new outfit for the occasion ..

 "Roxy Music" Vest - Miss Selfridge £24  Black Maxi - River Island £25  Printed Cardi - Republic £35

Love the print on this cardi - its very D&G but obviously not with my budget! Also working the leopard print nails thanks to my little sister Kerri - thanks babes - she used a tan topshop nailpolish for the base then No7 's devil red for the spots and liquid eyeliner (a trick I stole from one of my fellow fashion bloggers) for the print then a clear top coat just to keep the eyeliner in place. 
Oh and also thanks to my dad for being photographer haha!

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