Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Move Over Kate Moss ..

Some more photos from our shoot! Tried our best a being a models for the day ..

Last but not least .. the most beautiful picture of them all ..

HAHA! Tucking in to our bacon and sausage sarnies yummy!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Sequin Short Shorts

Heading out with a few of the fashion girls tonight and this is my outfit of choice!
Blazer - £20 H&M
Vest - £8 H&M
Sequin Shorts - £25 Miss Selfridge (my fav buy this month)

Im sure it will be a pretty messy night but I will post a few photos of it tomorrow - if im not too hungover!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Bringing Some Style to Girvan

I had a flying visit back to Girvan (a shitty town down the south west coast, if and of you haven't heard of it!) a few weekends ago and brought back some style to the miserable little town! All my family were down and we went out for a meal then back to my house for a booze up - what us lot do best - for my auntie and uncles wedding anniversary. Treated myself to a new outfit for the occasion ..

 "Roxy Music" Vest - Miss Selfridge £24  Black Maxi - River Island £25  Printed Cardi - Republic £35

Love the print on this cardi - its very D&G but obviously not with my budget! Also working the leopard print nails thanks to my little sister Kerri - thanks babes - she used a tan topshop nailpolish for the base then No7 's devil red for the spots and liquid eyeliner (a trick I stole from one of my fellow fashion bloggers) for the print then a clear top coat just to keep the eyeliner in place. 
Oh and also thanks to my dad for being photographer haha!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Reem Team

This is a cheeky wee snap shot of a part of out shoot yesterday!
As a part of coursework we had to organize our own photoshoot for a fashion spread, our idea was "essex glam" but in really grotty parts of Aberdeen. So us girls got our essex on and hit some rough areas to get some photos! This one is Emma and I outside a pub in Torry, I have to say we froze our asses off in those dresses and nearly killed ourselves walking about in heels all day (and yes, at one point I did fall flat on my bum attempting to walk across a cobbled street!) but it was all in the name of coursework. We also got some shots down by the harbour, in the market and down by the tunnles so hopefully they turn out well! Our photographers were great, they probably hated us dragging them all round Aberdeen but they done well.

Ruth and I looking "reem" practicing our poses.

Friday, 4 November 2011

A Not So Spooky Halloween

So this was my chosen halloween outfit this year, a Moulin Rouge dancer sort of thing. Its actually the same outfit I wore last year as I was pretty unorganized on the whole costume front  but SHH no one will never know! I had to do a bit of DIY to the skirt (a few safety pins was as far as I went) to show off the frills underneath in true CanCan dancer style. A few of my fellow fashion/blogger girls had a messy night starting at my friends flat then out in town, everyone was looking great .. not so sure about that by then end of the night though!!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

A Little Gem

So today i discovered a little gem..
I was shopping on asos (when meant to be doing coursework, but the 25% student discount was just soooo tempting!) and found asos marketplace << link :) Which has lots of different boutiques including a wide range of online vintage stores, blogs, great photography and a section where you can actually sell your own pieces. I don't know why I haven't discovered it before! I'm loving the cute little vintage stores, if you want something quirky and a little bit different its the place to go.

I adore this jacket!! Really want a vintage leather!